5 unique New Year's Eve traditions around the world.

If you're looking for a celebration that's a little off the beaten path this year, check out our list below of 5 unique New Year's Eve traditions around the world. 🎄
Do you have any special traditions in your family or among friends?
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● 1. Eating Grapes in Spain 
Get your New Year's health resolutions off to a good start, thanks to the Spanish tradition of eating 12 grapes, one for each stroke of midnight. It's harder than it sounds (people even practice for it), but if you're successful, tradition says you'll have a year of prosperity. 

● 2. Smashing Plates in Denmark 
Smashing things against someone's house might be considered bad luck — but in Denmark, people hold on to chipped dishes and glasses all year just for New Year's Eve. That night, they go around to the homes of friends and family and smash them against their front doors. The more shards you have on your doorstep the next morning, the more popular you are!

● 3. Jumping Seven Waves in Brazil 
Brazilians believe that jumping seven waves will bring good luck in the coming year. Bonus points if you wear white, while doing so (to bring peace) and bring a bouquet with you to throw into the ocean (an offering to the goddess of the seas). 

● 4. Feasting Seven, Nine, or 12 Times in Estonia 
As the tradition goes, eating seven, nine, or 12 times means you'll have the strength of many men (we'd like to think women, too) in the new year. But you don't have to finish everything on your plate; leaving some food behind will make ancestral spirits happy. 

● 5. Ringing Bells 108 Times in Japan 
In Japan, New Year's Eve (or Omisoka) is celebrated by ringing bells in Buddhist temples. However, instead of a mere dozen times, ringing a bell 108 times is thought to dispel negative emotions and mentalities.


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