
Showing posts from February, 2020

Learning to Teach in the Primary School

‘ This book is outstanding. It comprehensively addresses the broad range of key aspects of both policy and practice in the primary curriculum. With contributions from acknowledged experts in individual fields, it really is an essential companion for trainee teachers and NQTs.  More experienced practitioners and teacher trainers who are keen to remain up to date with developments in primary teaching and learning, and to improve their own practice, will likewise  find it invaluable.’ Click here to download  

The Everything Kids' Giant Book of Jokes, Riddles and Brain Teasers

There is a wide range of short 5 to10-minute-long activities which are suitable as warmers, fillers or closers to the lesson. Various topics are covered in all three parts of the book.The topics and activities are the following ones: Jokes Monster Mania, Sickos, What's Gnu?, Crazy Colours, Computer Wonks, Tom and Tina Swifties, Didja Hear?, Larry and Luna, School Jokes, Quickies, Outta This World, Professor Fruitcake, Hinky-Pinkys, Ring the Doorbell, Jurassic Pork, Gross!, How's Buisiness?, Having a Ball, Video Quips, Gags and Giggles, The World's Seven Best Limericks, Signs On the Dotty Line, Laughing Stock, Pundemonium, Nuts From the Family Tree, You Know You're a Loser When, Spoonerisms, Nun of That, Way-Out Out West, Money Is Only Paper, A Nutty Crime, Classic One-Liners, More One-Liners, Medical Marvels, Tongue Twisters, In the Bag, Burma Shave, The Nickname Game, Goofballs, Watt's the Problem?, Anything for a Laugh, Elephant Jokes.Knock Knock Once Upon a Knock...

50 Quick-Play Grammar Games (Grades 1 - 5)

Develop correct grammar with group interaction in 50 fun games! The games cover a broad scope of grammar skills and are easy to set up and play. Outcomes: - Correctly use plurals, pronouns, prepositions, and verb tenses - Feel confident about using grammatically correct speech Fifty games in one book give teachers lots of teaching options: - reinforce many different skills - games at two difficulty levels for each skill - use the games for instruction, learning centers, and take-home activities - goal-driven stimuli for two to three players - many of the game boards can be customized with your own stimulus items. The Link 50_Quick_Play_Grammar_Games_Grades_1-5.pdf PDF file, 17.4 MB

Teach Terrific Grammar

Most students find the rules of English grammar to be confusing if not outright overwhelming. Adding to the muddle are the many exceptions to the rules that are just plain maddening. But understanding grammar is essential for students to speak and write with competence and clarity.  'Teach Terrific Grammar', Grades 4–5 can be a valuable resource in teaching grammar to your students. Reproducible tip sheets throughout the book highlight important grammatical facts and rules, while self-correcting reproducible worksheets provide students with an interesting way to learn and practice grammar skills.  Teaching grammar can be challenging. Learning grammar can be even more challenging. This book will make the study of grammar in your classroom an enjoyable and successful experience for both you and your students. The Link   Teach_Terrific_Grammar.pdf PDF file, 2.6 MB

Dialogue Activities: Exploring Spoken Interaction in the Language Class (Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers)

Using dialogues in different contexts, this book provides over 100 practical activities for teachers to adapt for their classrooms. These activities encourage learners to look at the English language through dialogues and spoken interaction from coursebooks, literature and media, as well as authentic conversation extracts.  The book explores using dialogue to communicate personal meaning effectively. It covers dialogue as both 'product' and 'process' in language teaching and will encourage learners to look beyond conventional communicative strategies and practise spoken language in a fresh contextualised way. Click here to download  

Games for Language Learning (Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers)

A fully updated and revised edition of this classic book which contains enjoyable games to practise language at any stage of the learning process. This is the third edition of the one of the founding titles of the CHLT series. The book features many of the original games but has also been fully revised to include new games for the ELT classroom. The structure of the book has also been revised so that the games are now grouped in a more teacher-friendly format where teachers can search based on language and skill criteria rather than just game type. Click here to download  

Teaching English Spelling: A Practical Guide (Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers)

This resource book is packed with activities for practising common spelling patterns in English. Each unit concentrates on a particular 'sound' or phoneme. Review 'Surely the most comprehensive collection of classroom activities for practising common spelling patterns. The variety of task types is impressive.' EL Gazette Click here to download

Five-Minute Activities A Resource Book of Short Activities

Five-Minute Activities is an invaluable source of ideas for language teachers. It contains resources of over 130 short activities for the language classroom: some are well-tried favourites clearly restated, others are new ideas or variations.  Teachers will find activities which can be used to: * help learners to learn or practise particular aspects of language * help students and teacher to get to know each other * provide a smooth transition between two major parts of a lesson * supplement a coursebook * introduce or round off lessons. The activities are designed to combine learning value with interest and enjoyment. Most of them can be adapted to suit classes of different levels of ability, and in many cases there are additional suggestions for variations or extensions of the basic activity. Almost all the activities can be student-led. Click here to download  

The Antigrammar Grammar Book. A Teacher's Resource Book of Discovery Activities for Grammar Teaching

The Antigrammar Grammar Book. A Teacher's Resource Book of Discovery Activities for Grammar Teaching Designed to be used with students at intermediate to advanced level, this work features a progressive approach to learning and contains problem-solving and inductive activities in worksheet format. Providing full support for teachers, including lesson plans, timing guidance and alternative suggestions, it offers them the flexibility to cope with differing classroom situation and needs. Click here to download  

English Plus 1 : 4

A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. Online Practice provides extra activities for the classroom or home that teachers can track. English Plus  develops students' communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in every lesson. The Links English_Plus_Starter_Student's Book.pdf 43.8 MB English_Plus_Starter_Teacher's Book.pdf 89.5 MB English Plus Starter Workbook.pdf 15.5 MB english_plus_starter_multi-rom.7z 40.8 MB English Plus Starter Class CD.tar 51.7 MB english_plus_1_SB_2nd_ed.pdf 13.2 MB English Plus 1 - Audio 134.9 MB English_Plus_1_StudentMultiRom.7z 32 MB English_Plus_1_-_Workbook.pdf 30.6 MB English_Plus_1_-_WB_key.pdf 273 KB English_Plus_1_Teacher...

* Elementary Grammar Worksheets * Intermediate Grammar Worksheets (+ audio)

The Links elementary_grammar_worksheets.pdf 9.2 MB intermediate_grammar_worksheets.7z 49.6 MB intermediate_grammar_worksheets.pdf 75.3 MB

Notebooks Language Arts (Grades K, 1, 2)

In Interactive Notebooks: Language Arts for kindergarten, students will complete hands-on activities about short vowel sounds, sight words, nouns, antonyms, punctuation, parts of a book, and more. The Interactive Notebooks series spans kindergarten to grade 5. Each 96-page book contains a guide for teachers who are new to interactive note taking, lesson plans and reproducibles for creating notebook pages on a variety of topics, and generic reproducibles for creating even more notebook pages. The books focus on grade-specific math or language arts skills and are aligned to current state standards. The Links inlangart1.pdf 7.3 MB inlangart2.pdf 10.4 MB inlangartK.pdf 49 MB


Wordpower buílds vocabulary fast.Oxford Wordfínder Díctíonary, vocabulary games and exercíses. A Traíner booklet helps students get more from theír Wordpower. Features :  Oxford 3000TM keyword entríes show students the most ímportant words to know ín Englísh 'Other Words for' notes gíve synonyms and opposítes to bríng varíety to students' language Topíc Notes gíve the language and ínformatíon to talk confídently about topícs such as mobíle phones, fílms, the ínternet, etc Shortcuts take students quíckly to the meaníng they want Wordpower Traíner booklet helps students get more from theír díctíonary and íncludes exam-style exercíses The Links Oxford Wordpower Trainer 23.3 MB Keys 85 KB

Language Activities for Teenagers (Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers)

 Language Activities for Teenagers (Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers) Here are 99 enjoyable activities, for 11-16 year olds, to coax, cajole and tempt them into learning English. The authors, drawing on their own vast experience, share ideas on maintaining discipline, using ice-breakers, warmers, fillers, developing vocabulary and using literature. Here are 99 enjoyable activities, for 11-16 year olds, to coax, cajole and tempt them into learning English. The authors, drawing on their own vast experience, share ideas on maintaining discipline, using ice-breakers, warmers, fillers, developing vocabulary and using literature. The Link Activities for Teens.pdf 25.7 MB

Teaching Online: Tools and techniques, options and opportunities

Increasing numbers of language learners are opting to take online language courses; increasing numbers of teachers are teaching online. For many, teaching online is a leap into the unknown. The concept of online teaching is broad, ranging from the use of a virtual learning environment (VLE) for course delivery to desktop video conferencing with Skype, not to mention teaching in a virtual world. These are pioneering days. How does one become a successful online teacher? First, you must participate in an online course yourself. This will enable you to experience the various tools available for teacher and students: synchronous tools, such as instant messaging, and asynchronous tools, such as bulletin boards. You need a certain amount of technical know-how to explain to your students what to do if there are minor glitches. Online teaching usually involves practical expertise . Click here to download

Teaching Materials and the Roles of Efl/Esl Teachers

Teaching Materials and the Roles of Efl/Esl Teachers is published amidst a decade long increase in academic publications and training courses concerned with the evaluation and design of English language teaching materials. It is timely to consider what effect the advice on offer has had on teachers' practice. Are teachers evaluating materials carefully, using textbooks in the ways expected by textbook writers, developing their own materials, and mediating between materials and learners in the ways advised in the professional literature?  The book explores these issues from a variety of perspectives. The views of publishers/textbook writers, those contributing to the professional literature, and teacher educators are synthesised to establish a 'theory' of how teachers can best fulfil their roles vis-Á -vis materials and learners. This is then compared with 'practice', as represented by published accounts of teachers' actual practices and learners...

Big Grammar Book ( 3 Levels )

The "Big Grammar Book" is jam-packed from cover to cover with a great selection of photocopiable worksheets taken from the popular English website. We wanted to provide teachers with a really useful book of no-nonsense grammar worksheets that they can dip into and use in class with students at Entry Level (ESOL Core Curriculum Entry Levels 1 & 2). It is also ideal for students to work with at home since the answers are all printed at the back. The book is divided into four parts and is graded in difficulty, so that it begins with some basic stuff and builds up to more challenging grammar activities. It features a selection of Essential English worksheets which provide practice for crucial basic areas of knowledge for learners at Entry Level, like using numbers, writing the alphabet, spelling days and months correctly, and so on. We hope that you find this book a big help and full of material that you can use with your learners. A big thank-you must...

Hot Topics 2 (Student Book and Audio)

Check out these Hot Topics: 1. Reality TV: Would you be a survivor? 2. Internet Dating: Is this really YOUR photo? 3. Anger: I’m not angry! You’re angry! 4. Lying: What’s that on your resume? 5. Intelligence: How important is it? The Links Hot_Topics_2_Cheryl_Pavlik_with_Audio.pdf 21.2 MB Audio

Storyfun (2nd) Cambridge Young Learners: Starters, Movers, Flyers & Audio

Enjoyable and engaging story-based practice for the revised 2018  Pre-A1 Starters, A1 Movers  &  A2 Flyers , now in 6 levels with two books per test. Each book contains eight fully-illustrated stories followed by fun activities, songs and exam-style questions that practise the grammar, vocabulary and skills needed at each level. The Links Storyfun 1 SB.pdf 12.1 MB Storyfun 1 TB.pdf 33.1 MB Storyfun 2 SB.pdf 13.9 MB storyfun_3_student_s_book.pdf 10.7 MB storyfun_3_teacher_s_book.pdf 17.1 MB TNE_storyfun_4_student_s_book_saxby_karen.pdf 12.9 MB Storyfun 5 SB.pdf 15.6 MB Storyfun 6 BOOK big.pdf 54.3 MB Audio

English File | Level: Starter

With a wide range of exciting new digital material, including all new documentaries, this new edition of American English File is still the number one course to get your students talking. American English File Second Edition  retains the popular methodology developed by world-renowned authors Christina Latham-Koenig and Clive Oxenden: language + motivation = opportunity. With grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation practice in every lesson, students are equipped with a solid foundation for successful speaking. Plus - an array of digital resources provides even more choice and flexibility. Students can learn in the classroom or on the move with Online Practice. The Links American_English_File_Starter_Student's book.pdf 59.3 MB American English File Student's Book Starter CD1.tar 110 MB American English File Student's Book Starter CD2.tar 112.9 MB American English File Student's Book Starter CD3.tar 117.2 MB American English File Student...

American English File | Level: 2

With a wide range of exciting new digital material, including all new documentaries, this new edition of American English File is still the number one course to get your students talking. American English File Second Edition  retains the popular methodology developed by world-renowned authors Christina Latham-Koenig and Clive Oxenden: language + motivation = opportunity. With grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation practice in every lesson, students are equipped with a solid foundation for successful speaking. Plus - an array of digital resources provides even more choice and flexibility. Students can learn in the classroom or on the move with Online Practice. The Links American_English_File 2 - Student's Book CD 3.tar 99.1 MB American_English_File 2 - Student's Book.pdf 88.1 MB American_English_File_2 Audio Workbook.tar 91.3 MB American_English_File 2 - Student's Book CD 2.tar 107.4 MB American_English_File 2 - Student's Book CD 1.tar ...